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Internet of Things (IoT) Explained

By July 7, 2023July 13th, 2023No Comments

Over the past few years, there has been much mainstream talk of the Internet of Things and its application in our daily lives. But what exactly is the Internet of Things (IoT) technology? loT describes physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity capabilities, enabling them to communicate and exchange data via wired or wireless networks.

To break it down further, IoT is the concept of connecting everyday objects to the internet, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other, as well as with users. The underlying idea behind IoT is to enhance the functionality and efficiency of various systems by enabling them to gather and share data in real-time. “The ‘Internet of Things’ can be defined in two terms – connect everything and monitor,” explains Wizlabs. “This is done by placing a sensor (or software) in devices and applications which have the capability to transmit data over the Internet infrastructure with minimal human interaction. Everything is given an IP address (thanks to the increase in IP address space) and we connect seamlessly to perform ‘smart’ activities.”

Interconnectedness between physical objects and the digital world opens up a wide range of possibilities and applications across different industries. IoT devices can be found in various business environments, such as smart homes, industrial automation, healthcare, retail, agriculture, transportation. Danavation’s® proprietary Digital Smart Label™ technology is ideal for these settings, and has already proven their efficacy in retail and warehouse settings. The collected data is then transmitted to a centralized system or the cloud, where it can be analyzed, processed, and used to automate tasks, or trigger specific actions. Danavation® is focussed on accelerating the adoption of IoT technology, automation and AI, driving the transition to smart retail, smart cities and Industry 4.0. 

The benefits of IoT are multi-level, enabling improved efficiency, convenience, and automation in daily life. As a tangible example, in a smart home, IoT devices such as thermostats, lights, and security systems can be controlled remotely, optimizing energy usage and enhancing security. In commercial settings, IoT allows for predictive maintenance of machinery, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. In healthcare, IoT devices can monitor patients remotely, enabling better care and timely intervention.

However, as more devices get connected to the internet, IoT also has concerns about security, privacy, and data management. Safeguarding IoT systems against cyber threats and ensuring the responsible handling of data are essential considerations.

Serial tech entrepreneur Wienke Giezeman is initiator of The Things Network, and CEO and co-founder of The Things Industries stresses that as we move toward that big dream of billions of connected devices we must also be cautious, and visualize how that world would look. How does this technology fit into society? He shares that they see three main concerns there. “One is privacy and security. Fortunately, what you now see is that security by design has been adopted so much over the last few years that it is starting to become an out-of-the-box technology, with end-to-end encryption and secure key enclaves, et cetera. The second concern is e-waste. We’re sending out all these devices with batteries—how are we going to make sure this is a circular supply chain? How can we use existing circular economies, for instance, that are already in place for batteries to also be used for Internet of Things devices? The third concern is utilization of spectrum and how that evolves. How are we going to divide that in a fair way? This is more of a long-term subject, but these are all big questions we also need to answer when we’re going into hyperscale in IoT to make sure that it finds a responsible place in society.”

IoT has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with our surroundings, making our lives more efficient, interconnected, and data-driven.