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The new wave of information automation

By March 24, 2021March 29th, 2021No Comments

The new wave of information automation
The new wave of information automation 

Information is everywhere. It’s all around us in our daily lives, and as technology advances, it’s only going to get easier to access. But with so much information at our fingertips, why are so many industries still behind when it comes to actually displaying it?  

There’s no denying that we’ve come a long way from the days of climbing up a ladder to manually change gas prices or update a menu board at a QSR restaurant. And while automating these tasks have freed humans from some of the more mundane (and in these examples, more dangerous) aspects of their jobs, the real revolution of automating display information is only just beginning.

Digital Smart Labels™ aren’t just for displaying prices; they can be used to display virtually any type of information digitally and automatically—saving time, eliminating human error, and reimagining static industries.

Eliminate the most tedious tasks

Why automate information? To start, it’s the easiest way to virtually eliminate the most tedious, routine tasks that humans just don’t care to do. And contrary to popular belief, automation is not synonymous with job cuts—in fact, it actually allows for more effective resource allocation. 

Take retail for example. Think about how long it takes for employees to create and update paper signage—not only is the amount of paper used wasteful and damaging to the environment, but it also leaves retailers stuck with a static signage strategy. 

With Digital Smart Labels™, information can be displayed and updated with the click of a button, freeing up time for employees to focus on important tasks, like merchandising and customer service. 

However, automation goes beyond eliminating mundane tasks—especially in a world of social distancing and strict COVID-19 precautions. For starters, Digital Smart Labels™ are much more sanitary than the alternative of manually fastening paper labels on hundreds of rails. But more importantly, it doubles as an interactive contactless touchpoint to engage customers with product information—keeping both employees and customers safer in store, without sacrificing service.

Say goodbye to human error

Mistakes happen; after all, we’re only human. But in certain industries like healthcare and pharmaceuticals, there’s unfortunately little room for error. 

Thankfully, automation technology like Digital Smart Labels™ turn mistakes into a thing of the past. We already explored how electronic shelf labels offer healthcare and long-term care facilities a secure, yet innovative solution for safely storing, displaying, and accessing information, but did you know that it can extend to biopharmaceutical and other research companies as well? Anyone who has ever worked in a lab knows what a headache it can be to track equipment. And depending on the lab, there are often hundreds, if not thousands of assets to worry about it.

Digital Smart Labels™ not only work as an inventory management system to help staff find exactly what they need, but also as a method to accurately display important information in real time, such as who used what piece of equipment, what time it was borrowed, and any other data that would help streamline operations.

While it’s impossible to completely eliminate process and human error entirely, automating display information with electronic shelf labels is the best way to start.

Reimagine office spaces 

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the world, but one of the biggest changes has been in the workforce. Gone are the days when employees were expected to come to the office every day; and while working from home definitely has its perks, many still prefer having the option to go to the office.

That sentiment has led to the rise of the hybrid workplace, which allows employees to work where they want and how they want to—even in the age of COVID–19.

Digital Smart Labels™ can help employers adapt to the hybrid workplace by displaying dynamic  information such as desk assignments and meeting room bookings. Plus, it can even help streamline scheduling—something that’s incredibly important when working with varying schedules.

Employees can rest assured that they will be assigned to a clean, socially-distanced workspace, while employers can use these metrics to better understand how and when people are using office space, as well as whether or not they need to re-evaluate their real estate needs.


Automation is here to stay. And like all good technology, it’s best to embrace it. Contact Danavation to discover how Digital Smart Labels™ can help you automate your display information today.